Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daniel Pink TED talk

Ater watching Dan Pink's TED talk on motivation, i realized he has some good proof. One good example is in the candle problem. which looks like this:
The candle problem seems like a simple task, but people still have difficulties. I don't think I would have had difficulties solving the problem as I am a right brained person. But I can see how the problem could be difficult. Ever since I was a little kid, I enjoyed playing with legos, completing puzzles, and other things that require thinking out of the box. Dan Pink also stated that rewards often hinder abilities to solve easy problems, like the candle problem. He also talks about how Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia that nobody gets paid to make, is more popular than Encarta, Microsoft's encyclopedia which people were paid to make. this doesn't make any sense! Why would the free encyclopedia do better than the paid one? Pink says intrinsic motivation, or motivation to do something because you want to do it. When I think of this, I think of driving. I love driving but if i was paid to drive, it would take the fun out of it. Once you decide to pay somebody, the fun activity becomes a job. I completely agree with Pink. He knows what he is talking about.

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