Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First video Review

In this TED talk, Mick Ebeling talks about how he made the graffiti artist TEMPT a way to draw again. TEMPT has ALS, a paralyzing nerve disease, and is paralyzed from head to toe. He only has the ability to blink. He was living a terrible life with all his artistic abilities locked in. His artwork is really good. One example is here:
When viewing this artwork, one sees the potential locked in his head. He now has to draw with special glasses. They look like 3D glasses with the lenses popped out and two cameras attached to the front. With these glasses he can draw again. After seven years he can draw yet again. The creators of this marvelous invention have decided to leave it open source, so anybody facing a similar situation can make one. They have the blue prints posted on this website

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